1.  Coming from a group whose aim is the simpler life, such an entry into the Market place raises some intriguing questions.

2.  Having raised expectations, the government failed to live up to its promises.

3.  Lying as shown, raise the elbows, head and shoulders, bringing your chin as close to your chest as possible.

4.  Lying on your back, raise the knees towards the chest.

5.  Lying on your tummy, raise your head and shoulders, curving the spine, inch by inch.

6.  Lying on your tummy, raise your head and shoulders.

7.  So having to make seams raises the problem of cross-matching.

8.  Working with, while at the same time competing against other schools, raises questions about management which bear on a point made by Rutter et al.

9.  Treating to as meaningless in some or all of its uses with the infinitive raises several serious problems however.

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